Colorful Birthday Monsters
I feel like I haven't decorated cookies in forever, thankfully I had these guys to look forward to this week. I know I've done them...
Put on your sunglasses
Do not attempt to adjust the color of your monitor... Yes, these are that bright 😄 chocolate flavored Slumber party cookies for a super...
Shrek the musical... a little better tasting than swamp rats.
"I... um... I was wondering... are you... um... going to eat that?" My cousin's kids are doing a school performance of Shrek, the Musical...
Painting fun, splattering on cookies... messy, messy fun.
Just finished some fun birthday cookies for some girls celebrating at Painting with a Twist... These were for Miss Alyssa's birthday, I...
Floral themed cookie collection
Cookies for the fabulous Tricia Dunlap of Dunlap Portraits... Seriously if you are anywhere near Austin and want some awesome pics......
A new baby about to join the world
My friend is expecting his first kiddo. He is totally playing the proud papa role right now sending out pictures of the ultrasound and...
Get Russ to Kenya
So we have a friend that is working with CTC International (a world community outreach that enables less fortunate areas of our world...